Monday, June 19, 2006

Urban Dictionary Shows the Fall of Society

I remember sitting in class in the fourth grade (circa 1984), listening as the teacher described the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. She discussed how the Romans ate grapes while the Christians were killed in the coliseums (you could still mention God in those days, btw) and how their lifestyle was idyllic, then began a downward spiral. As a young pigtailed lass, I saw the wisdom in not having everything you desire, of not indulging every wish.

Jump with me now in time to last night. I was perusing, using their excellent "random" button to read the definitions of various modern terms. This may prove useful as my sons edge towards their tween years, and, basically, I just like to read stuff. During my perusal, the random button took me to the definition of, believe it or not, the word "pedophile." It was there that I discovered that a frightening number of people look at pedophilia as a sexual orientation akin to homosexuality. Yes, folks, the sexual desire for children has become acceptable in too many circles for comfort. Go there. See for yourself. Honestly, it's disgusting, and I don't care if I step on anyone's toes. It is NOT natural to have a desire for children, but apparently it is quickly becoming non-PC to say so.

I don't care. I'll say it again. It is not natural to have a desire for children. In fact, it is a felony and should ever remain so. Nasty bastards.


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