Saturday, November 26, 2005

Frankly, Sir, I Don't Like It

I like lists. Obviously. So, here is just a short list of things that really cheese me off.

1. Deadbeat dads: If you're going to make a baby, be prepared to part with some cash. It's not a secret from anyone that child support exists.

2. Ignorant parents: You've seen them. They're the ones who slap their children in broad daylight in Wal-Mart. They're the ones who tell their children to stop being stupid. Or call them fat. Or otherwise destroy their self-esteem. If you can't parent them, for God's sake, don't have them.

3. Hate language: And I'm not just talking about racist language, either. I find it highly inappropriate and insulting to use the term "poor white trash". After all, if there is poor white trash, then obviously there is poor black trash, poor brown trash, etc. This is not acceptable. Neither is calling country people rednecks or hillbillies. No hate language or terms that stereotype should be permitted in polite society. I'm not saying that they should be prohibited by law; we as a people should have enough good sense and manners to stop using them ourselves.

4. Half-dressed teenage girls: If it isn't for sale, don't advertise it. I'm tired of seeing bellybuttons and buttcracks. No wonder sixth-graders are giving oral sex on school buses.


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