Saturday, October 29, 2005

Somebody, please, tell me why.

Lately, quite a few questions have been running through my mind. Anyway, because I like to make lists, here they are:

1. Who was the Einstein who put out the rumor that twins love each other? I'm personally related to four sets of twins not including my own sons, and none of them can be in the same room without attempting to poke each others' eyes out. Since my grandfather and his sister are one of these sets, it makes for some amazing Geritol-chugging action at family reunions, let me tell you.

2. What is the appeal of watching televised Nascar? I can understand why football, baseball, and basketball are fun to watch. I watch them myself. I can even sort-of see the point to watching golf on TV. But men driving around and around in goofy-looking cars?

3. Why are men waxing their chests and backs? I'm sorry, but that hair is fun to rub against. Please, guys, leave it be. Also, there's something decidedly perturbing about smooth-chested men. It's too adolescent for me.

4. Can't we revamp how divorces are handled? So much court time is wasted on stupid divorce motions (Can we share custody of the dog? Who gets poor dead Aunt Dolores' old worthless nicknacks?) I've personally seen cases where things as asinine as a small set of Tupperware needed 20 minutes of court time. This is getting ridiculous. Perhaps we should enact some laws that make stupid divorce motions punishable by a day of picking up roadside trash. And I don't mean that just the client would be doing that, either. I think the attorney should be right out there picking up trash beside him.

5. Why did Mr. Sulu wait 800 years to announce that he was gay? Does he have a new movie coming out or something?


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