Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Dating a Married Man is Dumb

As if you should need someone to tell you that! Because I like reality checks and I like lists, here is a list of reasons why dating a married man is dumb.

1. He already has a significant other. Meaning, he already has someone to share all of the joyous occasions of his life. He will not need you at Christmas time, his birthday, Valentine's Day, or even Memorial Day. He will be busy spending those occasions with his family.

2. If he wanted to leave his wife, he already would have. Don't bother listening to excuses. Can't leave because of the children? That's odd. Men with children CAN and DO leave their wives. Trust me. I'm a paralegal. I see it every day of my life. Can't leave because of the money situation? Again, if he's that unhappy with his wife, then money won't matter. Money is one of those funny things that can be obtained even after you lost what you had. Can't leave because he feels that he owes his wife something? Yup, he does. That alone should make you run in the opposite direction.

3. He and his wife really do have sex. I know many guys who have cheated on their spouses. I know many women who have dated married men. Every single one of the women claims that the men aren't having sex with their wives. Yet, I have listened to every single one of those cheaters brag about how good it is with their wives. Get a clue. He's sleeping in her bed. They are having sex. Otherwise, she would have figured out that he's cheating on her. Which leads me to --

4. He says she knows he cheats and doesn't care, but he lies. He lies to you AND to her. That's why she doesn't make a fuss. She loves him and wants to trust him, just like you do. She has more reason to do so. She has shared her life with him.

5. If he cheats on her, he most likely will cheat on you. After all, he's already demonstrated how he deals with difficulties in a relationship. Or maybe he just likes to have sex with many different women while each believes that she is the love of his life. Either way, he's a loser. You should be able to see that. It's pretty plain.

6. Your relationship is not "special". Men have been cheating since the beginning of time. Women have believed their lying butts since the beginning of time. You are not his soul mate. His mate is the person he is still married to, the one you are helping him deceive. You are just as much at fault as he is.


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6:43 PM  

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