Sunday, September 11, 2005

9/11 Memories and Musings

Just as most people of a previous generation remember where they were when they heard that Kennedy had been shot, 9/11 inspires most of us to share our memories of that fateful day. Personally, I was at work. One of our attorneys called me from court and said, "Somebody just flew a plane into the Trade Center." She called again when the second plane hit. Next came the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in the field. It was like being hit in the face with a brick repeatedly as, one by one, the tragedy kept unfolding with new developments as each hour passed. I remember going to the post office on my lunch break and feeling smothered with the silence. Everywhere I went that day, be it the gas station, the grocery store, what have you, there was nothing but silence and shock. I remember holding my fiance' tightly and feeling more fear than I had felt in a long time.

We were under attack. On our home soil.

As a nation, we've learned a lot from that day. We aren't as trusting, for one thing. Also, we've decided to wage war on any country that breathes wrong at us (um, as long as they have oil, that is). And now Hurricane Katrina has done tremendous damage to New Orleans. We have the same president now, and I can't say that I'm impressed with his less than lustrous track record.

It still makes me cry when I see footage of those towers going down. I hope it still makes you cry. We need to never forget. Never.


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