Saturday, November 05, 2005

How I Love That Man

Just spent a few hours cuddling on the couch with Mac. You know, I wish everyone in the world could enjoy the pure delight that is curling up with someone you love very much. Sex doesn't have to be involved. It's just nice to be warm, loved, and happy.

As we cuddled, I was reminded again of how sweet and gentle he is, and how physically beautiful he is as well, which is just a bonus. His face is absolutely gorgeous, beautifully shaped. His body is long and strong and makes me feel secure and protected. His rough, work-hardened hands are surprisingly gentle when he gives the baby a bath or puts a bandaid on a boy's knee.

*sigh* It's nice to enjoy that teenager love glow.


Blogger Deonna said...

He hasn't complained about the feel of my hands yet. *giggle* (sorry about that, couldn't resist)

6:27 AM  

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